What is TXTR?
TXTR is an automated, cloud-based transcription tool powered by Amazon’s Alexa technology. It transcribes speech into searchable transcripts with best-in-class accuracy and speed.

Natural Language Processing & Artificial Intelligence
TXTR uses natural language processing to capture nuances of the spoken word. Developed on an artificial intelligence platform, TXTR uses context to fill in gaps and use the correct terms–no more garbled syntax or misused homonyms
Unbiased Speech to Text
TXTR focuses on the spoken word, not the speaker. It works with accents, jargon, slang, and regional dialects, and it has the ability to learn terms, including acronyms. It also captures multiple voices in complicated situations such as focus groups.
Phone System Integration & Alerts
TXTR uses natural language processing to capture nuances of the spoken word. Developed on an artificial intelligence platform, TXTR uses context to fill in gaps and use the correct terms–no more garbled syntax or misused homonyms
Translation Capabilities
TXTR uses natural language processing to capture nuances of the spoken word. Developed on an artificial intelligence platform, TXTR uses context to fill in gaps and use the correct terms–no more garbled syntax or misused homonyms
Cloud Based Platform
TXTR is a cloud-basedsoftware as a service hosted and powered by Amazon Web Services (AWS). AWS is FedRMAP-certified and offers scalability, security, privacy, access on multuple devices, and speed no matter the demand. No equipment required.
Natural Language Processing & Artificial Intelligence
TXTR uses natural language processing to capture nuances of the spoken word. Developed on an artificial intelligence platform, TXTR uses context to fill in gaps and use the correct terms―no more garbled syntax or misused homonyms.
Unbiased Speech
to Text
TXTR focuses on the spoken word, not the speaker. It works with accents, jargon, slang, and regional dialects, and it has the ability to learn terms, including acronyms. It also captures multiple voices in complicated situations such as focus groups.
TXTR is cloud-based software as a service hosted and powered by Amazon Web Services (AWS). AWS is FedRAMP-certified and offers scalability, security, privacy, access on multiple devices, and speed no matter the demand. No equipment is required.
Translation Capabilities
Powered by Amazon Translate, TXTR offers instant transcript translations in multiple languages and the ability to toggle between the translation and original in a desktop dashboard.
Phone System Integration & Alerts
Customers anticipate immediate attention to their emergent messages no matter the time of day. Don’t miss an urgent call. Cloud-based TXTR can integrate with your phone system and operate from your desktop. With a simple dashboard, you can set up instant email alerts for keywords or phrases. Transcriptions can be searched for keywords or other data points, and reports can be pulled.
How Well Does Your Current Tool Work?
And I think that assumption on most operator's parts is that the phishing schemes, the types of hacking that's going on outside of phishing but the old fashioned network hacking and rooting around is of foreign origin.*
The Leading Free Transcription Solution
And I've come to think that the assumption on most operators Hearts is that the phising schemes the types of hacking that's going on outside of fishing, but the hold fashion network
Original: But is that really the case? I mean, do you have any sense of how much originates just from bad people right here in the good old U.S.A. versus the foreigns?*
Is that really the case? I mean, do you have any sense of how much originates just from bad people right here in the middle USA versus forums.
Original: The benefits of VDOT compared to DOT mainly entail decreasing the burden of medication monitoring for the patient and reducing staff time and travel costs for the TB program.**
The Benefits of v dot compared to dot mainly entail decreasing the burden of medication monitoring for the patient and reversing staff time and travel costs for the TV Program.
Transcripts sample obtained by reading and recording the following transcripts.
Why You Need TXTR
You need to be able to capture immediate transcription of webinars, workshops, and keynote speeches without relying on native meeting platform tools.
You need fast, error-free captioning to meet Section 508 compliance requirements. Automated captioning from video hosting services such as YouTube may not accurately capture dialogue.
You need to make sure every voice is
heard on the record to make the most of invaluable, actionable feedback from your customers and stakeholders.
You need minutes that accurately record discussion, feedback, and action items.
You can’t depend on one note-taker for these critical deliverables.
You need to turn around accurate transcription of high-profile hearings and media interviews on deadline for your leadership teams.
You need 24/7 customer service hotline monitoring, searchable transcripts of calls, plus email alerts to urgent messages that require your immediate attention.
What is TXTR?
TXTR is an automated, cloud-based transcription tool powered by Amazon’s Alexa technology. It transcribes speech into searchable transcripts with best-in-class accuracy and speed.

Natural Language Processing & Artificial Intelligence
Unbiased Speech to Text
TXTR uses natural language processing to capture nuances of the spoken word. Developed on an artificial intelligence platform, TXTR uses context to fill in gaps and use the correct terms―no more garbled syntax or misused homonyms.
TXTR focuses on the spoken word, not the speaker. It works with accents, jargon, slang, and regional dialects, and it has the ability to learn terms, including acronyms. It also captures multiple voices in complicated situations such as focus groups.
Translation Capabilities
TXTR is cloud-based software as a service hosted and powered by Amazon Web Services (AWS). AWS is FedRAMP-certified and offers scalability, security, privacy, access on multiple devices, and speed no matter the demand. No equipment is required.
Powered by Amazon Translate, TXTR offers instant transcript translations in multiple languages and the ability to toggle between the translation and original in a desktop dashboard.
Phone System Integration & Alerts
Customers anticipate immediate attention to their emergent messages no matter the time of day. Don’t miss an urgent call. Cloud-based TXTR can integrate with your phone system and operate from your desktop. With a simple dashboard, you can set up instant email alerts for keywords or phrases. Transcriptions can be searched for keywords or other data points, and reports can be pulled.
Natural Language Processing & Artificial Intelligence
TXTR uses natural language processing to capture nuances of the spoken word. Developed on an artificial intelligence platform, TXTR uses context to fill in gaps and use the correct terms―no more garbled syntax or misused homonyms.
Cloud Based Platform
TXTR is a cloud-based software as a service hosted and powered by Amazon Web Services (AWS). AWS is FedRAMP–certified and offers scalability, security, privacy, access on multiple devices, and speed no matter the demand. No equipment is required.
Unbiased Speech to Text
TXTR focuses on the spoken word, not the speaker. It works with accents, jargon, slang, and regional dialects, and it has the ability to learn terms, including acronyms. It also captures multiple voices in complicated situations such as focus groups.
Translation Capabilities
Powered by Amazon Translate, TXTR offers instant transcript translations in multiple languages and the ability to toggle between the translation and original in a desktop dashboard.
Phone System Integration & Alerts
Customers anticipate immediate attention to their emergent messages no matter the time of day. Don’t miss an urgent call. Cloud-based TXTR can integrate with your phone system and operate from your desktop. With a simple dashboard, you can set up instant email alerts for keywords or phrases. Transcriptions can be searched for keywords or other data points, and reports can be pulled.
Natural Language Processing & Artificial Intelligence
TXTR uses natural language processing to capture nuances of the spoken word. Developed on an artificial intelligence platform, TXTR uses context to fill in gaps and use the correct terms―no more garbled syntax or misused homonyms.
Cloud Based Platform
TXTR is a cloud-based software as a service hosted and powered by Amazon Web Services (AWS). AWS is FedRAMP–certified and offers scalability, security, privacy, access on multiple devices, and speed no matter the demand. No equipment is required.
Unbiased Speech to Text
TXTR focuses on the spoken word, not the speaker. It works with accents, jargon, slang, and regional dialects, and it has the ability to learn terms, including acronyms. It also captures multiple voices in complicated situations such as focus groups.
Translation Capabilities
Powered by Amazon Translate, TXTR offers instant transcript translations in multiple languages and the ability to toggle between the translation and original in a desktop dashboard.
Phone System Integration & Alerts
Customers anticipate immediate attention to their emergent messages no matter the time of day. Don’t miss an urgent call. Cloud-based TXTR can integrate with your phone system and operate from your desktop. With a simple dashboard, you can set up instant email alerts for keywords or phrases. Transcriptions can be searched for keywords or other data points, and reports can be pulled.
How Well Does Your Current Tool Work?
And I think that assumption on most operator's parts is that the phishing schemes, the types of hacking that's going on outside of phishing but the old fashioned network hacking and rooting around is of foreign origin.*
The Leading Free Transcription Solution
And I've come to think that the assumption on most operators Hearts is that the phising schemes the types of hacking that's going on outside of fishing, but the hold fashion network
But is that really the case? I mean, do you have any sense of how much originates just from bad people right here in the good old U.S.A. versus the foreigns?*
Is that really the case? I mean, do you have any sense of how much originates just from bad people right here in the middle USA versus forums.
The benefits of VDOT compared to DOT mainly entail decreasing the burden of medication monitoring for the patient and reducing staff time and travel costs for the TB program.**
The Benefits of v dot compared to dot mainly entail decreasing the burden of medication monitoring for the patient and reversing staff time and travel costs for the TV program.
Transcripts sample obtained by reading and recording the following transcripts.
Why You Need TXTR
You need to be able to capture immediate transcription of webinars, workshops, and keynote speeches without relying on native meeting platform tools.
You need fast, error-free captioning to meet Section 508 compliance requirements. Automated captioning from video hosting services such as YouTube may not accurately capture dialogue.
You need to make sure every voice is
heard on the record to make the most of invaluable, actionable feedback from your customers and stakeholders.
You need minutes that accurately record discussion, feedback, and action items.
You can’t
depend on one note-taker for these critical deliverables.
You need to turn around accurate transcription of
high-profile hearings and media interviews
on deadline for your leadership teams.
You need 24/7 customer service hotline monitoring, searchable transcripts of calls, plus email alerts
to urgent messages that require your immediate attention.
Phone Number
703 544-7970
Copyright © 2022 TXTR
Copyright © 2022 TXTR
Program Management & Project Planning
1st and 3rd party systems rollout, integration, and support; Data center/warehouse/multi-data center support; Connectivity and installation support; Archiving and backups; Configuration documentation; Virtual consolidation; Image creation; Initial configuration; Installation; Integrating; Optimization; Patching and updating; Recovery; Relocation; Scripting; System/software integration and migration; System administration; platform administration (e.g., collaboration, document management, search, and others); Troubleshooting; Tuning; Upgrading; (X)aaS implementation, integration, and support (i.e., “(X)” meaning Software, Platform, Infrastructure, etc.); Hardware support; Database Management Systems (DBMS) administration and support; Data migration support; Change management and reporting; Configuration management and documentation updates; Emergency services; Continuity and disaster recovery; Inspections and corrections; Intelligence Amplification (IA) support; Internet of Things (IoT) support; big data support; Encryption and encryption key management; Software defined network support; System network administration; Network Operations (NetOps); Enterprise management network engineering; Cloud computing; Web Operations (WebOps); Connectivity and installation support; Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communications; Transmission systems support (both secure and non-secure transmission systems); Informatics services; Optimization evaluations; Energy usage assessments; Utilization reporting; Decommissioning; Technology transition and data migration support with data management; Tier 2 and Tier 3 application support; Incident management; Helpdesk operations; Training; Existing application enhancement and sustainment (e.g., Designee Management System (DMS) and the Instrument Flight Procedures Automation (IFPA)); Plan of Action and Milestones (POA&M) and security vulnerabilities remediation; Application and infrastructure performance monitoring.
Image Accordion #2
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IT Management and Administrative Solutions
Program Management & Project Planning
Project management consistent with expected project management lifecycles (PMLC); Management/project plans across expected software development lifecycles (SDLC) and methods (e.g. waterfall, agile, iterative development models); Earned Value Management (EVM) and/or other structured cost/schedule/performance management process; Quality management; Communications management; Project change management; Stakeholder management; System configuration management; Organizational change management; Risk management; Knowledge Management (KM); Workforce development and training support; Portfolio management; Product portfolio management; Capital Planning and Investment Control (CPIC) support; Information sharing; Disaster recovery; Continuity of Operations (COOP)
Compliance & Evaluation
Policy and directives drafting support; Compliance support and Compliance Enforcement Actions (CEA); Operating procedures, processes, and assessments; Investment and business case analysis; Solution assessment and validation; Business Process Modeling (BPM); Workflow management.
Operational Business Intelligence
Business Intelligence (BI) studies and analyses; Logistics supportability; Operational impacts; Interoperability reports; Feasibility studies; Cost estimation and analysis; Risk analysis; Capacity studies; Serviceability studies; White Papers.
Office Administration
Day to day activities related to office logistics, financial planning and execution, record keeping, and physical distribution.
Facilities Support
Design and installation of IT distribution systems; Incidental design and modification support; Connectivity and installation support; Physical security; Site surveys; Relocation or consolidation; Comprehensive installation planning of information transport systems and IT work areas.
Asset Management
Systematic investment tracking of hardware (H/W) and software (S/W) assets; Inventory; H/W specifications; Maintenance; Tagging and tracking; Upgrading; Disposal; S/W end-user license agreement (EULA) acquisition and management; S/W and H/W Maintenance Agreement acquisition and management; Preventive maintenance; Asset reports.
Technical Solutions
IT Management and Administrative Solutions
Project management consistent with expected project management lifecycles (PMLC); Management/project plans across expected software development lifecycles (SDLC) and methods (e.g. waterfall, agile, iterative development models); Earned Value Management (EVM) and/or other structured cost/schedule/performance management process; Quality management; Communications management; Project change management; Stakeholder management; System configuration management; Organizational change management; Risk management; Knowledge Management (KM); Workforce development and training support; Portfolio management; Product portfolio management; Capital Planning and Investment Control (CPIC) support; Information sharing; Disaster recovery; Continuity of Operations (COOP)..
Policy and directives drafting support; Compliance support and Compliance Enforcement Actions (CEA); Operating procedures, processes, and assessments; Investment and business case analysis; Solution assessment and validation; Business Process Modeling (BPM); Workflow management.
Business Intelligence (BI) studies and analyses; Logistics supportability; Operational impacts; Interoperability reports; Feasibility studies; Cost estimation and analysis; Risk analysis; Capacity studies; Serviceability studies; White Papers.
Technical Solutions
1st and 3rd party systems rollout, integration, and support; Data center/warehouse/multi-data center support; Connectivity and installation support; Archiving and backups; Configuration documentation; Virtual consolidation; Image creation; Initial configuration; Installation; Integrating; Optimization; Patching and updating; Recovery; Relocation; Scripting; System/software integration and migration; System administration; platform administration (e.g., collaboration, document management, search, and others); Troubleshooting; Tuning; Upgrading; (X)aaS implementation, integration, and support (i.e., “(X)” meaning Software, Platform, Infrastructure, etc.); Hardware support; Database Management Systems (DBMS) administration and support; Data migration support; Change management and reporting; Configuration management and documentation updates; Emergency services; Continuity and disaster recovery; Inspections and corrections; Intelligence Amplification (IA) support; Internet of Things (IoT) support; big data support; Encryption and encryption key management; Software defined network support; System network administration; Network Operations (NetOps); Enterprise management network engineering; Cloud computing; Web Operations (WebOps); Connectivity and installation support; Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communications; Transmission systems support (both secure and non-secure transmission systems); Informatics services; Optimization evaluations; Energy usage assessments; Utilization reporting; Decommissioning; Technology transition and data migration support with data management; Tier 2 and Tier 3 application support; Incident management; Helpdesk operations; Training; Existing application enhancement and sustainment (e.g., Designee Management System (DMS) and the Instrument Flight Procedures Automation (IFPA)); Plan of Action and Milestones (POA&M) and security vulnerabilities remediation; Application and infrastructure performance monitoring.
IT Management and Administrative Solutions
Project management consistent with expected project management lifecycles (PMLC); Management/project plans across expected software development lifecycles (SDLC) and methods (e.g. waterfall, agile, iterative development models); Earned Value Management (EVM) and/or other structured cost/schedule/performance management process; Quality management; Communications management; Project change management; Stakeholder management; System configuration management; Organizational change management; Risk management; Knowledge Management (KM); Workforce development and training support; Portfolio management; Product portfolio management; Capital Planning and Investment Control (CPIC) support; Information sharing; Disaster recovery; Continuity of Operations (COOP).
Policy and directives drafting support; Compliance support and Compliance Enforcement Actions (CEA); Operating procedures, processes, and assessments; Investment and business case analysis; Solution assessment and validation; Business Process Modeling (BPM); Workflow management.
Business Intelligence (BI) studies and analyses; Logistics supportability; Operational impacts; Interoperability reports; Feasibility studies; Cost estimation and analysis; Risk analysis; Capacity studies; Serviceability studies; White Papers.
Technical Solutions
Project management consistent with expected project management lifecycles (PMLC); Management/project plans across expected software development lifecycles (SDLC) and methods (e.g. waterfall, agile, iterative development models); Earned Value Management (EVM) and/or other structured cost/schedule/performance management process; Quality management; Communications management; Project change management; Stakeholder management; System configuration management; Organizational change management; Risk management; Knowledge Management (KM); Workforce development and training support; Portfolio management; Product portfolio management; Capital Planning and Investment Control (CPIC) support; Information sharing; Disaster recovery; Continuity of Operations (COOP).
Policy and directives drafting support; Compliance support and Compliance Enforcement Actions (CEA); Operating procedures, processes, and assessments; Investment and business case analysis; Solution assessment and validation; Business Process Modeling (BPM); Workflow management.
Business Intelligence (BI) studies and analyses; Logistics supportability; Operational impacts; Interoperability reports; Feasibility studies; Cost estimation and analysis; Risk analysis; Capacity studies; Serviceability studies; White Papers.
1st and 3rd party systems rollout, integration, and support; Data center/warehouse/multi-data center support; Connectivity and installation support; Archiving and backups; Configuration documentation; Virtual consolidation; Image creation; Initial configuration; Installation; Integrating; Optimization; Patching and updating; Recovery; Relocation; Scripting; System/software integration and migration; System administration; platform administration (e.g., collaboration, document management, search, and others); Troubleshooting; Tuning; Upgrading; (X)aaS implementation, integration, and support (i.e., “(X)” meaning Software, Platform, Infrastructure, etc.); Hardware support; Database Management Systems (DBMS) administration and support; Data migration support; Change management and reporting; Configuration management and documentation updates; Emergency services; Continuity and disaster recovery; Inspections and corrections; Intelligence Amplification (IA) support; Internet of Things (IoT) support; big data support; Encryption and encryption key management; Software defined network support; System network administration; Network Operations (NetOps); Enterprise management network engineering; Cloud computing; Web Operations (WebOps); Connectivity and installation support; Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communications; Transmission systems support (both secure and non-secure transmission systems); Informatics services; Optimization evaluations; Energy usage assessments; Utilization reporting; Decommissioning; Technology transition and data migration support with data management; Tier 2 and Tier 3 application support; Incident management; Helpdesk operations; Training; Existing application enhancement and sustainment (e.g., Designee Management System (DMS) and the Instrument Flight Procedures Automation (IFPA)); Plan of Action and Milestones (POA&M) and security vulnerabilities remediation; Application and infrastructure performance monitoring.